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              Technology is what drives your LUMIX to its maximum performance.
              Learn which technologies make your LUMIX a powerful tool.

              • G100

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

              • GH5

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

              • GH5II

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

              • GH5S

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

              • S1

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

              • S1H

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

              • S1R

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

              • S5

                Length: 13:13

                Apple ProRes RAW Output with ATOMOS Ninja V

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